Thursday, April 30, 2009

My First Week

Well, I think I'm learning what "Spoiled Rotten" means! LOL

Dayle and Michaela and Gloria are my puppy sitters during the week when Mommy and Daddy are at work. They are so much fun!! My first full day in my forever home, they set my x-pen up in the front yard and I got to meet all of the neighbours!

Sometimes we just sit and chill and watch a movie. Dayle is a good cuddler! She lets me hang all over her!

Most of the time, though, during the daytime, I get to PLAY PLAY PLAY!!! Mommy made me some toys to play with and the Girls get down on the floor with me!

Sometimes they take me for walks, too! Like yesterday, they took me all the way to the park!!
[for the record, the park is 2 blocks away].
Its the farthest I've walked so far! I think I like walking at lunchtime better than at 530 in the morning (Crazy Mommy!)

Here's one of the topys Mommy made for me. These are about the only toys she'll let me try to rip limb from limb!
Mommy says its pretty easy to make my toys. You just get 1/2 a yard of good fleece in my favorite colors, cut three strips about an inch wide each. Then she says you gotta fold them in half, that's what makes it so strong! Then just tie one end in a big fat knot, braid the double strips till it's as long as you want it. You finish it off by tying another big fat knot at the other end and cutting off the scraps, leaving about an inch or so at the ends so I have something I can bite on!
As an added bonus, Mommy says you take those scraps and cut them till they're all the same length. Then tie them in one great big knot and leave the ends to fly! I have the knot toy in the picture above. If I shake it REALLY hard, it can fly all the way across the room!!

Mommy learned really quick that I'm no stranger to sleeping in a bed!! She says I'm a wiggly worm, but really I'm just trying to push everyone so far out of the way that I get the whole bed to myself!! Hehehe Smarter than the average pup, I am!! This is me telling Mommy I'm not going to give her back her pillow until she shares her popcorn!
Well, Mommy says her lunch break is over and the Girls are back with her coffee so I gotta get out of her office so she can bang on the squares. I think I need a potty break, anyway!
Talk to you all soon!!
Dayle says I can add this video she took of us doing quiet play in the living room! She was tickling my toes and I was charming her with my cuteness!

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Marleau! You are getting to be such a big, handsome boy:-)

    We are proud of you and thrilled that you found the best family EVER to love and live with!
